
Who Knew!

               Our bosses and superiors have a way of surprising us! I am talking about another incident that helped me adjust to my new work environment (when I first interviewed for this job). I still remember how nervous I was when I first stepped into the office. As soon as we introduced ourselves, I realized that I had no need to be tense. I guess it is a matter of understanding that employers don’t really want to scare or intimidate us in the first place. It may take time to break the ice but it is definitely worth the wait. I also interviewed with the director and realized we had more in common than it seemed! I let myself remain calm and communicate clearly. I understood that being nervous and intimidated would only keep me from showing who I really am.  I wanted my employers to know what I am like in an environment full of people I do not know. If I let myself get nervous, it would only reflect how I would act in a public situation. To my fortune, I was later contacted with the good news of being hired.

                Part of my job was to help out in the recruitment area in the Student Success Center. Working behind the scenes gave me an advantage and an access to employers that not all students have. I cannot stress enough how amenable each employer is if you were to run into them (like I always did) any other time of the day. Rather, I think it is us who determines how relaxed our interviews go. If we come in as tense and nervous and stay that way, then the employer has to work really hard to see who we really are and what qualities we really possess. I think that my willingness to get over the nervousness was the key factor to my successful interviews and interactions with employers.

                You may have an interview recently or you may have even had a job search that worked out for you. GT Career Services wants to know all about your experience. Share it with us and we will share it with the entire Georgia Tech community. Your experience may help others in their journey through a job search. Share with us the story of how you finally got the job or interview you wanted or how you managed to pull off a successful job search! Email a draft of your blog post to gtcareer2011@gmail.com and we will make sure it is posted.

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