
Student Spotlight: Danielle Debow

From an Internship to a Full-Time Offer

     About halfway through the last spring semester of my undergraduate experience as a Yellow Jacket,  I thought I had my summer plans all figured out. I had an internship lined up with a company I had worked for during the previous fall semester, classes were going well, and (for once) the stars somehow aligned and I had gotten into all of the classes I needed for the upcoming fall semester. With all of my ducks in a row, I was ready to face my last summer internship and final semester. However as the flowers started blooming and the pollen count started rising, I began to feel that I was no longer secure in my summer work plans. Despite the fantastic experience I had with the company I had previously interned for and the company’s stellar reputation, I wanted something more. If there was one thing I had learned from older peers during my college experience, it was to diversify my resume with as much relevant work experience as possible, in addition to making good grades and staying involved on campus. (No pressure, right?) So, feeling called to branch out and try something new, I logged into CareerBuzz to see what kinds of positions were available.

     After using the flexible search functions to help me narrow down my search for an internship, I found several viable options that I decided to apply for.  One thing led to another and before I knew it, I got a phone call from The Home Depot one day on my way home from class. After a spontaneous yet great conversation with an incredibly friendly recruiter, I knew I had made the right decision to try and find another internship for the summer. A few weeks later, I visited The Home Depot Store Support Center for several interviews with a number of associates who would later become my co-workers and managers. That same afternoon, the recruiter I had originally spoken to contacted me to let me know that an internship offer was mine for the taking. Long story short, I contacted the company I had previously worked for (with plenty of advance notice) and informed them of my decision to stay in Atlanta and work for The Home Depot. It was a very tough decision to make, but I couldn’t be more happy with the route I took in preparing for my future career. My internship with The Home Depot concluded on my birthday, and I got the best present to date: a full-time job offer.

     Every Yellow Jacket is different and will have tough career decisions to make at one point or another. However, it is so important to go with your gut and do what is right for you. You never know… you might just end up in an orange apron! 

Hello readers!
Every week, Career Services will be posting blogs by students who have had experience with internship or full-time job searches. We hope that their experiences provide guidance to those of you who are or will be searching for jobs or internships soon! If you would like to contribute to the Career Services blog, e-mail us your blog post and a picture to gtcareer2011@gmail.com and stay updated with our Facebook and Twitter for more information!

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