
Welcome to Georgia Tech Career Services

Georgia Tech Career Services is a group of dedicated professionals committed to promoting the mission of Georgia Tech by providing remarkable experiences for students, employers, faculty and staff.

Our mission is to encourage students to realize their career dreams by: assisting them with developing self knowledge, obtaining educational and occupational information, selecting personally suitable academic programs and experiential opportunities, developing effective job search skills, and ultimately attaining their employment and/or graduate school goals.

As a liaison for the Georgia Tech student body and employers, we are dedicated to shed light on topics that are useful to students as well as employers. Our aim is to further elaborate on particular, career-related issues faced by students and employers. Along with providing information on how improve as a professional, we will also dedicate this blog site to update students and employers on upcoming events and how to make the most of them. 

Comments and messages are more than welcome because they will provide feedback on what topics are most desired and how to further improve our blogs. Stay connected with us and make sure to add Gt Diversity on Facebook and follow careerdiversity on Twitter to stay updated with career related events!

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