
Interview Jitters: Before and After

The phone interview from the day before had me stirred up with a million questions. I regretted not asked what I should expect from GT Career Services regarding the interview process. Although I was confident I had answered all of the questions to the best of my ability, I still had a little bit of doubt. Every few minutes, I would check my e-mail to make sure I don’t miss anything they send me. I even Googled “what to do after a surprise phone interview” and was still not satisfied. Just as I was about to cool off by taking a walk outside, my cell phone started to ring! All of the sudden, my heartbeat went off on a sprint. I looked at the caller ID and saw that it was the same number as the phone interview (I had it memorized by now). I answered with a well-composed hello and waited for the news.

I was asked to come in for a personal interview! Of course, the personal interview was formal and this was where they would get know me even more. This time, I made sure I researched GT Career Services. I went even further to look at my resume and predict what kind of questions I might be asked. I was confident I had the skills necessary for the job, but it was only a matter of making a lasting first impression and assuring my future employers that they could rely on me to do my part. I destroyed my closet looking for a nice outfit to wear to the interview.
Finally it was the day, I interviewed with my boss first and then I interviewed with the person who is in charge of GT Career Services as a whole. Things went almost similar to what I expected. I was asked why I wanted to work with GT Career Services and what I individual qualities I could contribute. From my previous experiences, I learned not to take these questions lightly. Therefore, I answered each question carefully but with originality. A few days later, I received the most memorable phone call of my summer—I was offered the position as a student intern!

After working with GT Career Services, I concluded that I made too many little mistakes while searching for a job. I could have done so many things differently to increase efficiency. But more importantly, I learned that making use of the resources available to me (such as resume reviewing or mock interviews through Career Services), researching the companies before applying, and being original are among the many useful job search skills. Next time I apply to something so incredibly critical, I will know steps to take and what to expect.

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