
Résumé Blitz 2011

          Greetings readers! Do you know what happened on Tuesday, September 6, 7, & 9, 2011? That’s right! Georgia Tech’s most talented students participated in the annual Resume Blitz hosted by Career Services. You may be wondering what that is if you didn’t attend. Well, let me tell you. In the Resume Blitz, volunteers from several companies come to Tech’s campus and review each student’s resume.  This year, Tech had nearly 70 company volunteers on campus representing over 50 companies, To top it off, over 1500 students participated in this event. Isn’t that incredible?

The Resume Blitz was definitely well-attended. Most of the students who came towards the end of the day would stay on their toes to make sure no one went ahead of them or took their turn when it came time to get their resume reviewed. There were students who just wanted to wait until their resume was reviewed even it if meant being late to class or missing a meeting.  For future reference, come early to avoid the lines! None-the-less, this initiative shows how important it is for our students to receive professional help when it comes down to the technical stuff.

You might now be thinking that you missed an amazing opportunity if you didn’t attend. But don’t you worry! GT Career Services reviews resumes every day of the week. All you have to do is attend Career Services walk-in hours.

Career Services Walk-In Hours (Fall and Spring Schedule):
Monday: 9-11 a.m.
Tuesday: 2-4 p.m.
Wednesday: 2-4 p.m.
Thursday: 9-11 a.m.
Friday: 1-3 p.m.

Needless to say, the event was a huge success. If you attended the Resume Blitz or other Career Services events, feel free to share your experience by commenting on this blog post or by emailing us at We would love to have you as a regular blogger! Also check out our Facebook and Twitter

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