
Career Fair!

Call it destiny or sheer coincidence, but you will not guess what happened the week after the Resume Blitz. That is correct, the annual Career Fair happened! This may explain why there were students dressed in suits and blazers in your classes. Hundreds upon hundreds of students and companies interacted at the Campus Recreation Center (CRC); companies trying to recruit students to work for them and students trying to impress companies. It was definitely a sight to see.

Students waiting to check-in for the Career Fair

You can’t forget the behind-the-scenes people, though! Career Services staff and student volunteers checked students in and made sure they were dressed appropriately. You may think, “Who doesn’t come dressed for a career fair?” Well, there were a few instances where students had to be turned down until they came back dressed appropriately.  Apart from all of the serious job searching and stuff, we even had a few people try to sneak into the career fair. I guess you can say that the GT Career Fair is quite popular!

Company recruiters and students interacting at the 2011 Career Fair

Needless to say, the event was a huge success. If you attended the Career Fair, feel free to share your experience by commenting on this blog post or by emailing us at gtcareer2011@gmail.com. We would love to have you as a regular blogger! Also check us out on Facebook and Twitter

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