
Welcome Back!

Georgia Tech Career Services would like to welcome home all the incoming and returning students! We hope that you all had a fulfilling summer and are now ready for a great school year! Throughout the year, Career Services will be holding important events and programs, designed specifically to facilitate a smooth job search for students. We encourage all students to participate in these events and make the most of the resources available to them. Career Services aids in career counseling, hosts career-related workshops and career fairs, holds walk-in hours for students who want their resume reviewed, and many other services.  For more information about the services we have to offer, visit our website. Also, check out our Facebook and Twitter page to keep updated with events and workshops that will be held throughout the year!

The following are upcoming events and services hosted by Georgia Tech Career Services:

Career Services Open House
August 29, 2011
Location: Bill Moore Student Success Center
Time: 4:00 pm- 7:00 pm
RSVP to Facebook Event!

Resume Blitz (Critiques)
September 6, 2011- September 7, 2011
Location: Schools
Time: 10:00 am- 3:00 pm

Career Focus
September 8, 2011
Location: Student Center Ballroom
Time: 11:00 am- 1:00 pm

Check back with the GT Career Services blog for more information on our services and events!

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